1. Improving quality education  through mass sensitization, workshops, training, inspirations and creative activities

    2. Community sensitization and mobilization on HIV/AIDS, Stigma, discrimination and mental health

3. Promoting and encouraging families affected by HIV/AIDS especially Orphans left through sighting their inner talents and developing them so that they can earn a living

4. Counseling and human development

5. Disseminating information on behavioral related issues that foster positive attitudes in making rational   decisions and choices by young people

6. Enhancing realization of human rights and equal opportunities for all

7. Building capacity of  local community on values of peace and justice

8. Increasing access to services that directly or indirectly affect  developmental services and infrastructure

9.  Providing psycho-social development support and revitalization of culture/tradition to children and youth


10.      Strengthening families through fighting food insecurity, malnutrition and promotion of good hygiene.